Become An Ambassador
Represent Exulting Images
Shine Bright
The Exulting Images Ambassador Program is for elite dancers who love being in front of the camera, and are ready to create artistic images and spread positivity across the dance community. The perks to being an ei brand ambassador are many – and all have the potential to change the trajectory of your dance career.
The 2025 Ambassador Program Application is now OPEN!
Get a Glimpse of our Program
The Ambassador season kicks off each year with a fun-filled day together as a team! Ambassador Day is full of photos, dance, games, and food.

What We Promise
Exulting Images Ambassadors enjoy more than $3,000 in tangible benefits and exclusive opportunities. Members of our Ambassador Program will receive:
- 2 Personalized Dance Photo Sessions
- 8 Web-Use Digital Images from Each Session
- Exclusive ei Ambassador Swag (Jacket, Commemorative Trophy, & More)
- Referral Rewards (Prints, Dancewear, Gift Cards, Swag, Album of your Ambassador images)
- Modeling, Social Media & Audition Tips & Tricks
- Ambassador Code to Share with Friends & Family for Exciting Perks
- Fun, Safe, Supportive Community of Like-Minded Dancers
- Meet & Greet Event with All Ambassadors
- Opportunity to Connect with Influential Dance Professionals

What We Look For
Ideal candidates for the ei Ambassador Program understand our core values and are willing to introduce like-minded dancers to our studio. We consider dancers of all genders, sizes, backgrounds, ethnicities, and those who self-describe as:
- Authentic
- Memorable
- Bold
- Admirable
- Social
- Sweet (and a little sassy!)
- Artistic
- Dazzling
- Optimistic
- Representative

What We Require
Eligible candidates for the Exulting Images Ambassador Program must be willing to commit time, talent and resources in order to adequately represent the ei brand. Applications are annually due in October, with Ambassadors chosen in November and a mandatory in-person meeting in January.
Candidates must:
- Be 10 years old or older
- Have an Active, Public Instagram Account
- Commit to the Full 10-Month Experience (January-October)
- Participate in 2 Individual Photo Sessions
- Invest the $699 Ambassador Fee
- Be Ready to Tell People About ei

What We Expect
If selected, Exulting Images Ambassadors will be expected to be very active on social media, particularly Instagram. Requirements of the ei Ambassadors include:
- Instagram Profile Bio Stating ei Ambassadorship
- Posting Images Provided by ei
- Tagging ei, Dance Studio & Dancewear
- Maintaining Authenticity & Positivity in Captions & Comments
- Being Active on Posts
Interested in our Ambassador Program?
Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction!
- Anonymous